Switching Letting Agents

How easy is it to switch letting agents?

This is a common question frequently put to us by landlord’s, with some even likening it to changing bank accounts, therefore we have put together this BLOG to help address this common concern.

We are often approached by landlord’s who feel that their letting agency is delivering a poor service, are hard to contact and not fulfilling their obligation’s, often inflicting unexpected fees. If this resonates with you, it could be the right time to think about switching agents and contrary to common opinion, this process really is simple and straightforward

  1. Check your existing contract for any notice period
  2. Serve notice
  3. Instruct existing agents to provide your new agent with all associated documents i.e. electricity and gas safety certificates, inventory, current tenancy agreement and tenants contact details and ID.
  4. Instruct your current agent to release tenants deposit to the new agents.
  5. Provide tenants the new agents details.

Luna Move provide an accessible service, making sure the process is quick and effortless. We will liaise with your previous agent to ensure all necessary documents arrive safely, speak with your tenants and keep them up to date with the changes so you can relax and leave everything to us.

We establish a trusted relationship with our landlord’s and get to know both themselves and their properties well; enabling us to provide the best possible service for both our landlords and tenant’s alike.